Línea de Autobús 246 - 246 City Wynyard to Balmoral Heights - Sydney Buses
Paradas de autobús
- 1 - K
- 2 - T
- 3 - Big Bear Shopping Centre, Military Rd
- 4 - Neutral Bay Junction, Military Rd, Stand E
- 5 - Military Rd opp Hampden Ave
- 6 - Military Road opp Holt Ave
- 7 - Military Rd at Prince St
- 8 - Military Rd at Bond St
- 9 - Spit Junction, Military Rd
- 10 - Mandalong Rd opp Melaleuca Lane
- 11 - Moruben Rd at Clifford St
- 12 - Moruben Rd at Awaba St
- 13 - Moruben Rd at Stanton Rd
- 14 - Stanton Rd at Tivoli St
- 15 - Kirkoswald Ave before Fairfax Rd
- 16 - Kirkoswald Ave at Fairfax Rd
- 17 - Kirkoswald Ave before Burran Ave
- 18 - Burran Ave after Stanton Rd
- 19 - Burran Ave at Stanton Rd
- 20 - Wyargine St at Edwards Bay Rd
- 21 - The Grove at Edwards Bay Rd