En esta página puede encontrar un mapa de ubicación así como una relación de lugares y servicios disponibles en los alrededores de King Street Wharf: Hoteles, restaurantes, instalaciones deportivas, centros de enseñanza, cajeros automáticos, supermercados, estaciones de servicio y más.
Edificios con nombre cercanos Servicios cercanos a King Street Wharf Haga clic en la casilla de verificación situada a la izquierda del nombre del servicio para mostrar en el mapa la ubicación de los servicios seleccionados.
Comercio Panadería - 312mCentral Baking Depot Erskine Street, 37-39 Panadería - 330mBourke Street Bakery Mercantile Walk tienda de café - 214mLot 51 Shelley Street, 22 tienda de café - 357mBatch Barangaroo Avenue tienda de café - 343mShort Stop Barangaroo Avenue Coffee + Doughnuts Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 08:00-17:00; Sa,Su 09:00-17:00 tienda de café - 336mToby's Estate Exchange Place tienda de café - 286mPacifica Western Distributor té - 370mThe Rabbit Hole Barangaroo Avenue Floristería - 424mFlowers for Everyone Mercantile Walk Ropa - 450mCollector Store Shipwright Walk Peluquería - 218mBarberoo Shelley Street Horario de apertura: Mo-We, Fr 09:00-18:00, 09:00-18:00; Th 09:00-19:00 grandes almacenes - 345mDavid Jones Exchange Place Bazar - 105mDarling Harbour View Erskine Street Bazar - 247mBarangaroo Convenience Store Barangaroo Avenue, 33 Telefonía móvil - 451mOptus Sussex Street, 3 Regalos - 199mWildlife Sydney Zoo King Street Wharf Joyería - 715mBig Diamond Market Street fotocopias - 564mMBE Kent Street Kent Street, 377 2000 Sydney Teléfono: +61 2 9262 1213 Fax: +61 2 9262 1812 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 08:30-17:00; Sa ||"By Appointment"; Su off; PH off Supermercado - 141mKings Wharf Supermarket Erskine Street Horario de apertura: 24/7 alcohol - 122mKing Cellars Erskine Street Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 10:00-23:00; Su 11:00-22:00 agente inmobiliario - 73mColliers International Lime Street agente inmobiliario - 92mIntact Group Lime Street Commercial property services salón de belleza - 70mNorman Hair and Beauty Lime Street puesto de periódicos - 552mNewspower Clarence Street Librería - 272mTitle Lime Street Music, Film, Books taller de masaje - 116mBarangaroo Therapeutic Massage Erskine StreetRestauración Pubs - 28mAll Hands Brewing Company King Street Wharf Pubs - 347mSlip Inn Slip Street Pubs - 395mThe Office Clarence Street, 117 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 08:00-02:00, Sa 10:00-02:00, Su 12:00-21:00 Pubs - 230mBristol Arms Sussex Street, 81 2000 Sydney Teléfono: +61 2 9262 5491 Pubs - 333mSmall Bar Erskine Street, 48 Bares - 134mHenley's King Street Wharf Bares - 161mBungalow 8 Lime Street, 3 2000 Sydney Bares - 155mThe Loft Lime Street, 3 2000 Bares - 218mVessel Bar Lime Street Bares - 279mCorso Brio Exchange Place Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 07:00-23:00; Sa 08:00-12:00 Bares - 323mThe Captain's Balcony Erskine Street, 46 Cafeterías - 76mSimplicity Cafe King Street Wharf Cafeterías - 336mToby's Estate Exchange Place Cafeterías - 251mVessel Cafe Shelley Street Breakfast and lunch Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 07:00-17:00 Cafeterías - 248mUme Burger Barangaroo Avenue, 33 Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 11:30-14:30, We-Sa 16:00-21:00 Cafeterías - 266mLuxe Barangaroo Avenue, 400 Cafeterías - 354mPalama Espresso Cafe Scotch Row Cafeterías - 396mBatch Castlereagh Street, 151 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 06:00-16:30 Cafeterías - 256mJoe & The Juice Exchange Place Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 07:00-18:00; Sa 10:00-17:00; Su 10:00-14:00 Restaurantes - 41mSpice Room at the Malaya Lime Street Restaurantes - 294mPho Mo Wulugul Walk Restaurantes - 274mBorn by Tapavino Barangaroo Avenue, 33 Restaurantes - 351mMuum Maam Mercantile Walk Restaurantes - 305mZushi Wulugul Walk Restaurantes - 361mLove Fish Wulugul Walk Restaurantes - 391mLotus Wulugul Walk Restaurantes - 343mAnason Mercantile Walk Restaurantes - 261mSpiced by Billus Barangaroo Avenue, 33 Restaurantes - 101mMeat District Co. King Street Wharf Restaurantes - 89mGeorge's King Street Wharf Restaurantes - 132mBeer DeLuxe Lime Street, 3 Restaurantes - 319mOld Town Barangaroo Avenue, 400 Restaurantes - 306mTwo Sticks Barangaroo Avenue, 400 Restaurantes - 104mSteersons Steakhouse Lime Street Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 12:00-15:00, 05:30-22:30 Restaurantes - 254mBorn by Tapavino Barangaroo Avenue, 33 Teléfono: +61 2 8072 7387 Lunch - Dinner Monday - Sunday Restaurantes - 197mBarangaroo House Barangaroo Avenue, 35 2000 Sydney Restaurantes - 77mHulu King Street Wharf Restaurantes - 159mCargo bar King Street Wharf Restaurantes - 116mCasa di Nico Lime Street, 42-48 2000 Sydney Teléfono: +61 2 9279 4115 Restaurantes - 51mNick's King Street Wharf Restaurantes - 109mManjit's Lime Street, 42-48 Restaurantes - 51m - King Street Wharf Restaurantes - 76mLal Qila Shelley Street, 35 Restaurantes - 199mSolander Dining and Bar Sussex Street, 65 2000 Teléfono: +61 2 8297 6016 Email: solander_enquiries@hilton.com Horario de apertura: 06:30-23:00 Restaurantes - 210mVessel Restaurant King Street Wharf Restaurantes - 339mThai Connection Erskine Street, 50 Comida rápida - 61mSubway Lime Street Comida rápida - 241mBelles Hot Chicken Barangaroo Avenue, 33 Comida rápida - 352mFishbowl Kent Street Comida rápida - 384mJoe's Sandwich Bar Castlereagh Street, 151 zona de comedor - 356mThe Canteen Mercantile WalkTransporte Terminal de transbordador - 79mDarling Harbour, King St Wharf 4 King Street Wharf Terminal de transbordador - 377mPyrmont Bay Wharf - Sydney Ferries - Transdev Sydney Ferries Terminal de transbordador - 124mDarling Harbour, King St Wharf 7 King Street Wharf Terminal de transbordador - 87mDarling Harbour, King St Wharf 6 King Street Wharf Terminal de transbordador - 151mDarling Harbour, King St Wharf 8 King Street Wharf Terminal de transbordador - 188mDarling Harbour Wharf 9 King Street Wharf Terminal de transbordador - 80mDarling Harbour, King St Wharf 5 King Street Wharf Terminal de transbordador - 232mDarling Harbour Wharf 1 Terminal de transbordador - 172mDarling Harbour, King St Wharf 2 King Street Wharf Terminal de transbordador - 393mBarangaroo, Wharf 2, Side B - Sydney Ferries - Transdev Sydney Ferries Paradas de Taxi - 166m - Lime Street, 3 Paradas de Taxi - 256m - Shelley Street Paradas de Taxi - 385m - Barangaroo Avenue Paradas de Taxi - 335m - Barangaroo Avenue manga de viento - 524m - Estaciones de autobús - 594mMaritime Museum (389 terminus) Darling Drive Alquiler de bicicletas - 190m - Barangaroo Avenue, 35 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 123m - Lime Street Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 148m - Lime Street, 3 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 234m - Barangaroo Avenue Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 217m - Barangaroo Avenue Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 174m - Erskine Street Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 324m - Shelley Street, 1 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 284m - Sussex Street Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 231m - Lime Street Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 226m - Lime Street Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 230m - Lime Street Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 201m - King Street WharfOtros Refugios - 89m - Refugios - 382m - Refugios - 141m - Refugios - 90m - King Street Wharf Refugios - 109m - King Street Wharf Refugios - 287m - Aquarium Wharf Refugios - 184m - King Street Wharf Refugios - 228m - King Street Wharf Refugios - 334m - Wulugul Walk Refugios - 391m - Máquinas de vending - 397m - - Transport for NSW ticket_validator - 398m - - Transport for NSW office-financial - 90mRAMS Home Loan Shelley Street, 35 office-financial - 272mAmerican Express Western Distributor Toilets - 85m - - acceso público - gratuito King Street Wharf Toilets - 376m - Wulugul Walk Toilets - 285m - Wulugul Walk Toilets - 246m - Lime Street Toilets - 390m - - acceso público Shipwright Walk Toilets towards the back of the Canteen food court Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 08:00-16:00 office-travel_agent - 456mCaptain Cook Cruises Wheat Road Darling Harbour, Aquarium Wharf - 288mAquarium Wharf Aquarium Wharf office-company - 42mSydney Charter Boat King Street Wharf 2000 Teléfono: +61 427 284 946 Boat hire Sydney locals and tourist love. Todd and Kate are the owner operators of Sydney Charter Boat, providing two of the most popular vessels available for private party boat charters and corporate cruises on Sydney Harbour. Horario de apertura: 24/7 office-company - 338mKPMG Headquarters Shelley Street, 1 office-company - 295mCosmos Tours Kent Street, 309 Email: enquiries@globusfamily.com.au boat_rental - 286mSydney Kayak Tours security - 341m - Wulugul Walk Papeleras - 104m - King Street Wharf Papeleras - 390m - Papeleras - 373m - Papeleras - 323m - Wulugul Walk Papeleras - 189m - King Street Wharf Papeleras - 157m - King Street Wharf Papeleras - 296m - Wulugul Walk Agua potable - 220m - Wulugul Walk Agua potable - 342m - Wulugul Walk Teléfonos - 307m - Erskine Street, 46 Venta de Helados - 233mRivaReno Gelato Barangaroo Avenue, 33 shop-chocolate - 286mOh Boo Barangaroo Avenue, 400 office-yes - 417mAustralian Music Examinations Board Clarence Street, 117 2000 oficinas diplomaticas - 585mConsulate-General of the Republic of Croatia Kent Street, 379 Teléfono: +61 2 9299 8899 loading_dock - 276m - King Street loading_dock - 280m - King Street loading_dock - 289m - King Street loading_dock - 399m - Slip Street office-it - 81mArterial Lime Street office-architect - 78mAva Architects Lime Street tourism-aquarium - 303mSEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium King Street Offramp, 1-5 office-lawyer - 413mAsh Street Partners King Street, 25 2000 Teléfono: +61 2 8651 8700 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 08:00-18:00 oficinas de instituciones educativas - 528mAustralian Institute of Professional Education (AIPE) Sussex Street, 160 2000 Sydney shop-flooring - 672mHavwoods Margaret Street, 28 office-insurance - 296mMedibank Private Erskine Street, 25-33 office-insurance - 338mBupa Mercantile Walk oficinas gubernamentales - 410mNSW Education Standards Authority Clarence Street, 117 2000 Calles conectadas Listado de calles y plazas que están conectadas con
King Street Wharf